About Us
Welcome to the City of Memphis!
Established in January 1890 and Incorporated in 1906.
Memphis shares the name with ten other States... Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, and Tennessee.
Memphis also features fifty blocks of brick paving along its streets. The laying of the brick, excavating and curbing, was originally done in 1922. The contractor was Jordan Construction Company out of Plainview, Texas. There were 142 properties that paid for the curbing. This number included residential, businesses, the City, and County owned property. The average resident paid around $233.00 for the curbing to be done. Some people believe the brick was made in Memphis when actually it was shipped in by rail and hauled by horse and wagon to the downtown area.
Thank you for taking the time to read some of The City of Memphis' history..
Click here for census information and boundary map. The extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) for the City is one half mile outside the City limits.
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