Landfill & Recycling

Important Information: During a recent inspection of the City Landfill by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the City was informed, we are NOT to accept tires. The City regrets any inconvenience this may cause.  

The City of Memphis' Landfill is FREE to Memphis Residents and Businesses except for roofing materials and appliances with freon. There are also several green dumpsters around local businesses for cardboard recycling. 

Most household trash and debris, when properly bundled and/or contained properly, can be disposed of in residential dumpsters.

A charge account may be setup in person at City Hall. You will need to fill out a W9 and provide your drivers license. 


Landfill hours:

  • Monday through Saturday

8:00am to 12:00pm & 1:00pm to 5:00pm 


If you have questions on setting up a charge account or anything specific to trash or recycling pick-up not found in this section, please call (806) 259-3001.


For a list of prices, click the link below.        

Related Documents

Contact Info

David Morris Jr
Landfill Supervisor
5310 US HWY 287

Entrance of Landfill

Memphis' Landfill Recycling Center