The City of Memphis is home to The North Fairview Cemetery along with The South Fairview Cemetery which are both located on the east outskirts of Memphis.
- The North Fairview Cemetery is on the North side of FM 1547. It consists of 24 sections, A - Z, named after flowers.
- The South Fairview Cemetery is on the South side of FM 1547. It consists of 4 sections - Birch, Dogwood, Aspen, and Cedar. The Southwest section of Dogwood also consists of Potters Field (Indigent section).
The City has lots for sale in the Bluebonnet, Easter Lilly, Yucca, and Zinnia sections.
* Each single lot is $500. Payment plans are available.
* Burial Permit fees are $75 per person.
* Installing a Monument? Please find the form below.
For any questions or more information on purchasing, please contact the Administrative Assistant or City Secretary.
Related Documents
Contact Info
Amalia Gaxiola
Administrative Assistant
(806) 259-3001
Cindy Woodard
City Secretary
(806) 259-3001
Randy Phillips
Fairview Cemetery Association President
(806) 259-3625
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I bury more than one person in a single lot?
Yes. You may have one casket and one cremains OR you may have two cremains.
I'm unsure where my family member is, how can I find them?
Located above, you will find maps and directories. Also, by the Cemetery Chapel which is located in the North Fairview Cemetery, there is a small Directory building. You will find maps of each section as well as a Directory book which holds names by alphabetical order. If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to call City Hall.
My family members grave is sunken in, who can help with that or am I responsible?
You may call the President of the Fairview Cemetery Association or the Administrative Assistant at City Hall at their numbers above. Please have your family members name and location handy. If you are wanting to send an email with that information and a picture of the sunken grave you may do so at the email addresses above.
Can I do my own curbing/grave covers instead of using a company?
Yes. Please contact the Administrative Assistant at City Hall so your lot(s) can be marked to ensure proper placement.
Fairview Cemetery
FM 1547
Memphis, TX 79245
(806) 259-3001