Calendar of Events
No matter what the season, there is always something going on in the City of Memphis. Keeping our residents informed of scheduled events and local happenings is important.
Know of an upcoming event that we need to add? Give us a call or send us an email and we will be happy to add it for you.
Upcoming Events
US 287 Corridor Interstate Feasibility Study
Begins: 8/20/2024
Ends: 9/16/2024
TxDOT wants your input on the safety, connectivity, and mobility issues along US 287. Please complete the brief survey and help shape the future of the corridor. Please complete the survey by September 16, 2024. For more information, click here.
Mosquito Spraying
Begins: 9/19/2024 - Late Evening Hours
Ends: 9/20/2024 - Early Morning Hours
The City of Memphis will be fogging by vehicle for mosquito control beginning in the late evening hours, weather permitting, on Thursday, September 19th and will continue into the early morning hours of Friday, September 20th. The vehicle will start in the City Park and move North covering streets and alleys. Citizens with bees need to take the proper precautions against the ULV Malathion Chemical.
Cross County Fun Run/Walk
Begins: 9/21/2024
Ends: 9/21/2024
Memphis Cross Country 9th Annual 5K and 1 Mile fun run and walk will be on September 21, 2024. For more information, please contact Michelle Branigan at 940-585-1073 or Nikki Robison at 806-205-2055. All Proceeds benefit the Memphis Cross Country Program.